Wednesday, 4 July 2012

London clinics offer Teeth Whitening services!

At times, people have to face embarrassing situations due to their teeth being totally white. Why teeth lose their "whiteness", there are many reasons. As the mineral structure of your teeth changes over time it happens naturally. At the same time the enamel becomes less porous. By smoking, drinking tea or coffee teeth can also become discoloured, and this discoloration also occurs due to the fluoride contained in the tap water. Luckily, ranging from changes in your diet to high tech dentist treatments, there are methods and drastically whitening your teeth, the more affordable home whitening kits can make a difference. Teeth whitening London offers perfect and specialized services to whiten the teeth effectively.
There are several reasons of teeth discoloration and some of them are due to being exposed to food and other debris, cracks appear in the enamel of teeth, accumulating it causes yellowing or browning. Similarly, at times enamel may be white but the lower layer underneath the upper one may be yellowish-brown. This natural color can be seen as enamel chips away or breaks down. Some foods and drinks like tea, coffee, red wine and soft drinks, curry and fried foods may also result in the discoloration of the teeth. Teeth also accumulate stains due to the use of antibiotics like tetracycline aids. Teeth discoloration results due to some mouth washes containing the antibacterial chlorhexidine. As they change the temperature of the teeth, extremely hot or cold liquids cause tooth stains. These days, home teeth whitening kits are available readily and because the main cost in professional teeth whitening is the dentist's time, and not the teeth whitening products are cheaper than getting teeth whitening done at the dentist.
Dentists can whiten your teeth for you using lasers or veneers. This saves you the time and effort of slowly bleaching your teeth as a single treatment can normally have visible results. A good Dentist will determine if you are a viable candidate or not, following a thorough examination. The tooth-whitening system is ideal for people who have healthy, un-restored teeth and would like to have a whiter, brighter smile. The whitening process is most effective on mildly discoloured teeth. Darker stains or heavily pigmented teeth take longer to respond to treatment. The degree of whiteness will vary from person to person, depending on the structure of the teeth and how long the system is used.
Through the use of eating fruit is one natural remedy for teeth whitening. Allowing the food to gently scrub stains from the teeth and massage the inside of the mouth eating raw fruit encourages chewing, which promotes healthy gums and tongue. The production of saliva is increased by chewing. Which we know as bad breath, saliva kills oral bacteria – like the ones that cause simple chronic halitosis. London clinics also provide hydrafacial treatment London .
For further details about laser hair removal london and Hydrafacial treatment London please visit the website .

Laser Hair Removal London offers excellent services to all those battling hair issues!

A worldwide craze - Laser Hair Removal has been created as a result of increasing desire for permanent hair removal in both men and women. Hoping for the miracle cure to rid themselves permanently of hair in undesirable places people are queuing up at clinics around the world. But the bare reality is that it is very rare that just one session of laser treatment will give the desired result for permanent reduction in hair. As far as permanence of this treatment is concerned, some say yes and some say no. These days’ experts offer laser hair removal London services to people who wish to get rid of excess hair.
Laser Hair Removal is the best-known method of achieving permanent hair removal as per several studies, and permanency is definitely possible if the procedure is performed correctly (using the right equipment). That’s because, impairing its ability to grow laser hair removal actually kills the hair follicle. To ensure permanent hair removal but you need to get the hair at the right stage in the growth cycle, which means a number of treatments will be needed. Laser hair removal clinics London offer best services and advice to their esteemed guests.
The hair grows in 3 stages, and for permanent reduction, laser treatment in the first growth stage or Anagen stage is the best. The effectiveness of laser treatment in the other 2 stages, that is, Categen and Telogen can be less as in these stages by the Laser, new hairs are being formed which may not be target-able. So to kill all the hair follicles in that region for permanency you will need to undergo a number of laser treatments over time.
Depending on their age, weight, metabolism, genetics, hormonal interactions, medications and environmental influences, everyone’s hair grows differently. Irrespective of this, having 3 distinct stages, hair grows in a cycle and depending on the stage of the hair in the growth cycle, the ability of the Laser to target and destroy the hair follicle actually. To “zero in” on the hair follicle that is because the Lasers used in hair removal actually target the pigment in the hair. The Laser is more effective in the initial growth stage of hair; there is more pigment in the hair.
At any given moment in time, the active anagen growth phase (lasts 2-6 years), comprises just about 85 % of our body hair. The hair shaft and follicle has an abundance of pigment during this ANAGEN phase and is quite sensitive to the laser light. So, permanent hair removal is very likely in this stage. No new hair will grow as the laser will destroy the hair follicle.
The period during which the hair stops actively growing is the regressive or catagen phase that lasts 1-2 weeks but is not shed. Comprising about 3 - 4% of our total body hair at any given time this phase often lasts several weeks.
For further details about teeth whitening London and Hydrafacial treatment London please visit the website.